Bob’s Blog

Foxglove Care
Foxglove bears tall, dramatic spikes of tubular flowers with speckled throats. Foxglove blooms in midsummer and adds elegance to a perennial border, woodland area, or shade garden.

Planting Containerized Trees
Here at Bob’s we stock a wide selection of containerized trees. Choosing the right tree for your landscape can be a tough choice. Are you looking for a fruit tree, shade tree, or beautiful blooms? However, once you get your tree home, planting it takes some elbow grease, but the process is quite simple.

Growing a Meadow Garden
Picture the countryside in a Victorian drama, an orchard in the 1700s, or … the Shire. Who wouldn’t want to take off their shoes and relax like a hobbit?

Growing Microgreens at Home
Over the next few weeks we’re going to talk about foods you can grow inside during the winter. One of the absolute easiest vegetables to grow on the kitchen windowsill is microgreens — the perfect topping for any quick salad.

How to Press Flowers
Pressing flowers is a fun way to keep your favorite plants around throughout the whole year. There are four main ways that you can press flowers. In this post, contributed by FTD, you’ll learn the techniques to create beautiful pressed flower displays.
Testing Garden Soil
Testing your garden's soil is important. If you live in West Virginia, you can get your soil tested for free through WVU's soil testing lab. John Morgan recently got his soil tested and documented the process in the video inside.