Bob’s Blog

Plant Sanctuaries
Around the world we have sanctuaries, land set aside for endangered species where they can't be hunted. Typically, sanctuaries for endangered animals come to mind. However, plants can become endangered species too. In fact, we have some threatened species of plants right here in our region.

ACHS Garden Tour
This past weekend John Morgan went on a tour of public and private gardens in Athens County. The event was hosted by the Athens County Humane Society to help raise funds for their programs.

Mountaineer FarmTalk: Starting Seeds at Home
This week our own John Morgan joined the WVU Extension’s Moutaineer FarmTalk to talk about starting seeds at home.

Road Trippin ... Bob's Market & Greenhouses, Inc.
Friday, we were proud to have our Belpre, OH Market featured on WCHS TV’s Road Trippin segment by Terry Burhans. Plan your trip to Bob’s Market this coming weekend for our annual Mother’s Day Sale!

Garden Planning Tips
In the middle of winter there’s not much to do out in the garden, but we can always plan for the next growing season. Here are a few simple tools you can use for planning.

Foxglove Care
Foxglove bears tall, dramatic spikes of tubular flowers with speckled throats. Foxglove blooms in midsummer and adds elegance to a perennial border, woodland area, or shade garden.