Bob’s Blog

Fall Soil Testing - The Key to Your Spring Garden
Fall isn't just for raking leaves; it's a crucial time for soil testing, which sets the stage for a thriving garden come spring.

Preparing Garden Beds for Winter
It's important to "make your bed" and get garden beds ready for their winter slumber. Doing some cleanup and soil work now will help you have an easier start next spring.

September Garden Crops
Fall is just around the corner, but that doesn't mean the gardening season is over. There are plenty of cool weather garden crops that can be planted right now.

Mountaineer FarmTalk: Starting Seeds at Home
This week our own John Morgan joined the WVU Extension’s Moutaineer FarmTalk to talk about starting seeds at home.

Viral Victory Garden: Diagnosing Problems
Diagnosing plant problems is a bit like playing a game of Guess Who. Through observation, some Googling, and the process of elimination, you can diagnose just about any plant affliction. Here are some tips to help you get started.

Viral Victory Garden: Preparing the Battlefield
This week it’s time to PREPARE FOR BATTLE! … Ur um. Till up your garden. So if you’re an experienced gardener with a plot or raised beds already prepared, this is pretty easy. However, what if you’re just starting with a patch of grass?