Viral Victory Garden: Diagnosing Problems

Eggplant Mosaic Virus

Eggplant Mosaic Virus

Diagnosing plant problems is a bit like playing a game of Guess Who.  Through observation, some Googling, and the process of elimination, you can diagnose just about any plant affliction.  Here are some tips to help you get started.

Observe and Document

Sometimes it’s easy just to check up on your garden once or twice a week, but you should be visiting it every day.  Get to know your plants.  Then it’s easier to spot issues early on.  When you spot those issues, take a photo.  Today, everyone has a camera in their pocket.  It is the easiest way to document plant problems.

Know Your Plants

What kind of plant is it?  Some plants have common issues – potato bugs, bean rust, etc. are all common issues that affect specific plants.  With these types of issues, you can often prepare in advance to be ready at the first sign of trouble.

Consult the Oracles

If you come up blank, don’t be afraid to do some Googling.  This is where those pictures come in handy.  Do a Google image search and compare the results with your own photos.

Bring in the Professionals

If all else fails, consult your local extension agent.  Also, I’m always willing to help.  Just shoot me an email with your photos and a basic description of the problem to  It might even end up as a blog post or podcast episode.


Viral Victory Garden: Natural Slug Control


Viral Victory Garden: Weeding