Wholesale Plugs
Since the 1990s Bob's Market and Greenhouses, Inc. has been a seedling plug grower. Since that time we have grown over 1 billion seedlings! Ranked among the top 10 seedling growers in the United States, we have the expertise to make sure your plants get off to a great start.
Ball Seed Plugs
We are an exclusive grower for Ball Seed. We are also proud to be recognized as a Gold Service Supplier by Ball Seed. Orders can be placed through your Ball Seed Sales Rep. or via WebTrack.
Surplus Ball Seed Plugs
Surplus seedling plugs are just that, extra trays from our weekly production cycles. During production we grow extra "buffer" trays that we use to fix any plugs that didn't germinate. After fixing trays to 100% full, we are sometimes left with extra, complete trays beyond what was originally ordered. We then post a listing of these items to WebTrack to be purchased by Ball Seed customers.
Partial Seedling Trays
Along with the above surplus plug trays, we are also sometimes left with trays that are only partially full of plugs. We make these items available for pickup by walk-in customers at our wholesale seedling production facility in Mason, WV.