The Keep Growing Podcast
055 Week 37 2024 Gardening Guide
A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they shall never sit.
035 Pressing Plants
In this episode, I want to talk about something near and dear to my heart, plant taxonomy. Wait! Don’t go! I know science stuff can be boring, but there’s a fun side to plant taxonomy. It can even be a bit of an art, and that’s pressing plants.
029 United Plant Savers
In this episode we take a look at the somewhat dark history of West Virginia's forests. Then we learn what is being done to preserve the botanical heritage of Appalachia by visiting United Plant Savers, a medicinal plant sanctuary in Rutland, OH.
016 Compost Basics
Compost is one of the essential skills that all gardeners should add to their tool belt. While composting is pretty easy, there are some things to consider that will give you an optimal result. Let’s go green with our browns and wet our plants!