The Keep Growing Podcast

027 Garden Trends for 2023

Over the last couple years we saw a huge influx of new gardeners that wanted to grow veggies, preserve their harvest, and turn their backyards into a little paradise.  2023 is going to take those new-found gardening skills and attitude of self-reliance to a whole new level. Basically, the training wheels are off, and your imagination is the limit.

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023 Making a Battle Plan

Planning is perhaps one of the most important aspects of gardening. Whether your planning a veggie garden or the landscaping around your house, it all starts with a plan. A good place to start is with a manual. In 1943, the founder of the National Garden Bureau, James H. Burdett, published The Victory Garden Manual. In this episode of the podcast, we meet Diane Blazek, Executive Director of NGB.

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