Facility Tours, Workshops, Community Events, and More!

Athens County Garden Club Tour - CANCELLED
This is a private tour for members of the Athens County Garden Club.

Mason County Social Studies Fair
Bob’s Market is proud to help judge the county social studies fair.

Green Career Night
As part of this year’s Green Career Week, we are going to be hosting an evening at our facility dedicated to those interested in careers in the horticultural industry.

Meigs High School - GCW Presentation
Green Career Week Presentation for Meigs High School Agriculture Classes.

Point Pleasant High School - GCW Presentation
Green Career Week Presentation for Point Pleasant High School sophomore students and any interested juniors and seniors.

Southern High School - GCW Presentation
Green Career Week Presentation for Southern High School’s Greenhouse Class.

Green Career Week
Seed Your Future created Green Career Week to help you reach the next generation of professionals. Green Career Week is a national campaign led by industry professionals to increase awareness about green industry careers and help build relationships with local high schools.