Bob’s Blog

Mini Maters
Gardening, Plant Care, Produce, Science, Summer, Spring, Water John Morgan Gardening, Plant Care, Produce, Science, Summer, Spring, Water John Morgan

Mini Maters

This year I went a little crazy with tomatoes. I have close to fifty plants in my garden. I had hoped for a bumper crop that I could freeze and can for future use, but this hasn’t been the best growing season. My tomatoes are ripening at a smaller size than typically expected and ripening more slowly at that. Also, some of them are developing splits in the skin are this last round of much needed rain.

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Beat the Heat
Gardening, Plant Care, Summer, Water John R. Morgan Gardening, Plant Care, Summer, Water John R. Morgan

Beat the Heat

The Dog Days of Summer are upon us, and for many gardeners this means that we will be extra busy. Attempting to nurse your landscape through a heat wave may sometimes seem like a futile task. As many lawns turn a crispy brown and flowers start to wither under the scorching heat, there are a few steps that can be taken to prevent cooking your plants.

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