Bob’s Blog

The Power of Mulch: Harnessing Moisture Control for a Thriving Garden
Maintaining adequate moisture levels in your garden is a fundamental aspect of successful plant growth. Whether you're an experienced gardener or just starting your green thumb journey, understanding the importance of moisture control can make a significant difference in the health and productivity of your plants.

Fertilizing for Optimal Growth
Fertilizing flower beds and vegetables is important to ensure that your plants are getting the nutrients they need to grow and thrive. Much like us, plants need a balanced diet of nutrients for optimal growth.

Growing Herbs Indoors
Spring is teasing us. Warm one day, snow the next – I want to garden! I want to get my hands dirty! Do you feel the same way? Here’s a project for you.

Winter Houseplant Care
Over the last decade houseplants have seen a resurgence in popularity. However, growing houseplants during the middle of the winter in our region creates some unique challenges.
Garden Tilling
Soon it will be time in our region to begin planting our gardens. Some of you might have already planted seed potatoes. It’s time to break out the tiller and get your hands dirty. If you’re new to gardening, here are some things to consider when tilling up your garden plot.

10-30-20 Giveaway!
Here at Bob’s Market, we going to be doing a drawing to celebrate 10-30-20! Now through next week, you can register to win your own tub of Jack’s Classic Blossom Booster!