Fertilizing flower beds and vegetables is important to ensure that your plants are getting the nutrients they need to grow and thrive. Much like us, plants need a balanced diet of nutrients for optimal growth.  Here are some tips on how to fertilize flower beds and vegetables:


Choose the right fertilizer

There are many types of fertilizers available, including organic and synthetic options. Choose a fertilizer that is appropriate for the type of plants you are growing and the soil conditions in your area. At Bob’s Market we exclusively use Jack’s Classic fertilizers by the JR Peters company.  We buy their water-soluble fertilizers by the pallet, but we also carry the exact same formulations in our stores in containers of a more manageable size.


Follow instructions

Be sure to read the instructions on the fertilizer packaging carefully, as different fertilizers have different application rates and methods. Again, Jack’s comes with a handy measuring scoop and instruction packet in every container.  It’s as simple as mixing a set amount with lukewarm water until it is dissolved.


Apply at the right time

It's important to apply fertilizer at the right time for optimal plant growth. For annuals and perennials, apply granular fertilizer in the early spring before planting, and again in mid-summer. For containers, fertilize every two to three weeks throughout the growing season. 

However, if you’re using a water-soluble fertilizer, we recommend applying more often throughout the growing season.  Once per week for the landscape and veggie garden, and with every watering for containers.  Also, if we have an extended period of rain, if is a good time to apply fertilizer afterwards.


Apply evenly

Whether you are fertilizing a flower bed or container, be sure to apply the fertilizer evenly to avoid burning or damaging the plants. Too much of a good thing can be a bad thing.  This also goes for applying granular fertilizers in the garden.  For example, applying fertilizer when corn start to tassel is a good idea, but you don’t want to apply it directly to the roots.  Dig a furrow about 4 inches from the base of the row and bury a small amount of fertilizer there at the base of each plant.  This will give them the boost the need for enormous ears.


Water thoroughly

After fertilizing, water the plants thoroughly to help distribute the nutrients and prevent any burning. This is especially important when applying granular fertilizers to your vegetable garden in the heat of summer.


Consider slow-release options

Some fertilizers are designed to release nutrients slowly over time, which can be a good option for busy gardeners or for plants that require consistent feeding. Time-release fertilizers are a great option for hanging baskets and containers.  We recommend Jack’s ClassiCote with Crystal Green. It feeds your plants in a sustainable earth-friendly way utilizing a renewable, slowly available source of phosphorus and magnesium that would otherwise be lost as waste.


Garden and landscape plants are an investment. Remember that fertilizing is just one part of caring for your flowers and vegetables. Be sure to also provide adequate sunlight, water, and protection from pests and disease to help your plants thrive.

Product Images Courtesy of JR Peters

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