Autumn is here, and soon we’ll start seeing cooler temperatures as winter approaches.  October is the perfect time to start preparing for the transition to freezing temperatures.  Here are some fall tasks that will help prepare your garden for winter.

First off, give your garden’s soil some TLC.  Now is the perfect time to get a soil test.  Also, leaves are the true gift of autumn.  Amending your soil with leaves will give it an amazing boost in the spring.


When it comes to fall plant care, there’s still cool weather vegetable crops to be harvested.  This is also a great time to collect seeds to plant next year or to share with friends.  As many perennials die back for winter dormancy, they can be cut back to keep your landscape tidy.  Finally, fall is the best time to plant trees and shrubs.

With the transition to cooler temperatures also comes a transition to a different set of tools … like a snow shovel.  Clean and sharpen tools like hoes and oil them to prevent rust.  Clean out your cold frames and dig your row covers out of the garage.  Before the weather gets too cold, clean bird feeders and put birdbaths in storage to prevent them freezing and cracking.

Although winter is coming, it doesn’t mean we have to retreat indoors to hide under a pile of blankets.  There still plenty of work to be done before winter.  Break out some flannel shirts, fix a thermos of hot coffee, and get to work!

Images via Pixabay


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