Spring Forward!

What happened?  I thought spring was here.  We had some sunny, warm days, and then ... I saw the forecast for this weekend.  :-(   When will this winter ever end!?!?  

I had my hopes up on Groundhog Day

, but now I'm bitter.  French Creek Freddie, you've failed us!

On the bright side, the switch to Daylight Saving Time is coming up next weekend.  Despite the cold weather, this means we will have longer evenings, and the chance to get ready for the spring gardening season.  This month we are going to "spring forward" with articles that are sure to put you in the mood for gardening.  Break out those color pencils and graph paper because this week we are going to take a look at planning your garden.

Click Here to Learn About Garden Planning


Walt Helmick Visits Bob's


Caring for Cut Roses