Your 2015 Picks

Something I put together each year is an analytics report for our website and social media.  We then use this information to help decide on a marketing strategy for the next year.  Sound like boring stuff?  It is, but it does mean you help decide what you're going to get in the future as far as blog topics, videos, events, and more.  Let's take a look at the most popular content from 2015.

On our website, the most popular blog post was created to answer a question from a customer.  She sent us a picture asking for help identifying a plant and how to care for it.  The led to a blog post about caring for stonecrop.

Also on our website, the most popular recipe was for German Potato Pancakes.  The most popular almanac/weather post was about the amazing carpet of color in the Atacama Desert.


On YouTube our most popular video racked up over 150,000 views in one weekend!  This was due to a robotics blog in the Netherlands sharing a video of our transplanting robot.  In a bit of irony, our transplanting robot was built by Tuinbouw Technisch Atelier (TTA), a company headquartered in Bleskengraaf, Netherlands.


While it's no BB-8, our plucky little planter was also our most popular Vine.  Racking up a whopping 350,000 views!


On Facebook, our most popular post of 2015 was, of course, the umbrella giveaway.  In honor of that (and the new year), we're doing a giveaway right now!

Last week we reached 4,000 Facebook Page "Likes"! To celebrate and thank our followers, we are going to give one lucky...

Posted by Bob's Market & Greenhouses, Inc. on Monday, September 21, 2015


So on Instagram we had two posts that tied for the most popular in 2015.  First up we have when WVU President, E. Gordon Gee visited our facility and secondly, a beautiful shot of some fall mums.

Check out these awesome mum mixes. Thanks Corinna Barnitz for the beautiful photo!

A photo posted by Bobs Market (@bobsmarket) on


The pin on Pinterest with the most views, repins, and likes was another recipe.  Check out some yummy Apple Stuffed Chicken Breast!


Twitter is a tough one to pick out a favorite post for 2015 because their analytics system is pretty limited.  However, one of the most popular bits of information shared on Twitter is our daily industry newsletter, The Horticultural Industry Daily.  It is curated daily from the most popular content of Twitter users Bob's Market follows.


Bob's Market: LIVE!


2015 In Review