2015 In Review

2015 was great year at Bob’s!  Of course, the last 45 years have been great at Bob’s Market too.  This year we celebrated our 15th year of being online.  Waaaay back in the year 2000 we registered the domain name “bobsmarket.com”, and Bob’s online presence continues to grow.

This year we added a few more social channels to the mix.  You can now check out beautiful photos on Instagram, short videos on Vine, and learn more on Pinterest.  In 2016 look for a reboot of our weekly live broadcasts as we move it over to Periscope with the on demand version available on YouTube later.

This spring we rolled out a new newsletter design, streamlining it while preserving the best bits.  Then over the summer we rolled out our newly redesigned website.  Up until now we have relied on outside design firms for our site, but now it is 100% designed in house.  Along with that creative freedom, we added some exciting new features like our greenhouse live camera.

In 2016 look for more great blog posts from Bob’s Market.  We’re planning more how-to videos on our main YouTube channel, and live weekly broadcasts from the greenhouse on Periscope.  Also, get ready for more contests!

This winter, follow our blog as we take an in-depth look at indoor gardening.  From succulents to classics, like philodendron, we’re going to teach you how to care for indoor plants.  That way you can have a bit of green on even the dreariest winter day.


Your 2015 Picks


Christmas Spirit in Mason