037 Week 19 2024 Gardening Guide


Episode Transcript

Hi! John Morgan here with the Keep Growing podcast.  This week we’re going to take a look at the forecast for the Mid-Ohio Valley and gardening tasks according to Uncle Jim’s Almanac.

Let’s start off with unwrapping what the podcast is about a bit more with our new direction.  Of course, I recommend listening to the back catalog of episodes, they’ll give you a great gardening foundation.  Each week, we’re taking a look at the gardening conditions for our region in the Mid-Ohio Valley.  Where is that?  Our HQ here at Bob’s Market and Greenhouses is located in Mason, WV along the Ohio River.  Across the river there is Pomeroy, OH and the appropriately named Middleport, OH.  As you might guess, it is the middle port along the Ohio River, but it is the middle port between Cincinnati, OH and Pittsburgh, PA.  It is actually at mile 250 of the nearly 1,000 mile long Ohio River.  … Sooooo, why do we call this region the Mid-Ohio Valley?  Well, it is the middle point of the Ohio River’s route along it’s border with Ohio.  We just kinda forget about Kentucky, Indiana, and Illinois.  The Mid-Ohio Valley region stretches roughly from Marietta, OH to Huntington,  WV, the middle third of the distance between Pittsburgh and Cincinnati.

Next let’s take a look at how I’m naming the episodes.  I’m doing it by week number.  You see, here at Bob’s, like our entire industry, we work by week number starting with week 1 in January.  So we have a sow week for seedlings, a crop time in weeks based off the species of plant, and finally a ship week when seedlings head out the door.  It’s an easy way to organize the year.

Finally, there’s Uncle Jim’s Almanac.  Many of the sections on our website are named after folks near and dear to the Bob’s Market Family.  Bob’s Blog is pretty obvious.  Corena’s kitchen is named for Bob’s wife and co-founder of Bob’s Market.  Uncle Jim’s Almanac is named for Corena’s brother Jim Hughes.  Uncle Jim lived directly across from our HQ and would often visit the office and greenhouses.  To everyone at Bob’s, family or not, he was known as Uncle Jim.  He was also an avid gardener.  Uncle Jim’s Almanac is named in his honor.

Now that we have some backstory, let’s dig deeper into the week ahead. It’s going to be a wet week.  This weekend we’re going to be experiencing fairly constant rain and temperatures in the 70s.  Rain and occasional storms will continue throughout the early part of the week with temperatures riing into the 80s.  The weather pattern is changing so we’re going to have some unsettled weather this week.  Right now, Mother’s Day weekend is looking pretty good for visiting your local Bob’s Market.

So what’s happening in the garden this week?  Well, today, May 4th is Star Wars Day. May the Fourth be with you!  It’s also the perfect time to seed snap beans and transplant or seed head lettuce. … If it wasn’t rainy outside.

Sunday … it’s Cinco de Mayo! … Cinco de Mayo is a yearly celebration held on May 5 to celebrate Mexico's victory over the Second French Empire at the Battle of Puebla in 1862, led by General Ignacio Zaragoza. So what does a Mexican holiday have to do with the USA?  Well, folks of Mexican heritage celebrate the holiday in the US.  Also, General Zaragosa was born in what is now Goliad, Texas …. I mean it wasn’t a part of the US at the time, but hey, Texas!  And now you know a bit more about Cinco de Mayo.

Monday, May 6th is the time to seed leaf lettuce and winter squash.  Also, it is time to start thinking about controlling broadleaf weeds in your lawn. 

On Tuesday, May 7th, seed your summer squash, and cucumbers.  It is also a New Moon. (If you listen to last week’s episode, I mistakenly said first quarter moon, instead of last quarter.  Whoopsies.  I didn’t notice it until the episode was already published.)

On Wednesday, May 8th, seed or transplant broccoli. It’s also the WVU Extension’s Birthday. … A significant portion of our almanac information is provided courtesy of the WVU Extension.

On Thursday, May 9th, seed sweet corn, celery and cilantro, and also transplant bok choy.

Friday, May 10th, seed thyme, not seed time! YAY! Seed Thyme, the herb.  Also, speaking of herbs, now is the time to plant mint containers.  Also, it is the time to transplant tomatoes.

Saturday, May 11th, seed annual flowers and seed or transplant melons.  As the days get longer and the weather warmer, now is the time to fertilize houseplants to encourage strong summer growth.

Finally, May 11th an 12th is Mother’s Day weekend.  Traditionally, that is the end of frost danger in our region and also our annual Mother’s Day Sale!  If you live near our Mason, WV; Belpre, OH; or Gallipolis, OH markets come on out this coming weekend for great deals, drawings for prizes, and more!

Head out to Bob’s, buy some plants at great prices, and … Keep Growing.


038 Week 20 2024 Gardening Guide


036 Week 18 2024 Gardening Guide