028 Growing Wild!
Attracting wildlife to my property has always been part of my plan from pollinators, to birds, and bigger critters, I want to be a good steward of the land and make a garden that not only works for me but works for wildlife too. The next phase of my meadow garden project is going to be geared toward that. Nesting boxes for birds, leaving brushy thickets for small animals, and eventually even building a natural swimming pool are all in the plan.
With meadow gardens being a 2023 garden trend, I thought I would share my experience. Meadow gardens are gaining popularity as a way to create natural, low-maintenance landscapes that support local biodiversity. By planting a mix of native grasses and wildflowers, meadow gardens can provide habitat for a wide range of pollinators and other beneficial insects.
But creating a successful meadow garden takes more than just tossing out a few seeds and hoping for the best. It's important to select the right site and prepare the soil properly to ensure that the plants have the best chance to thrive.
Meadow gardens also require regular maintenance to keep them healthy and looking their best. This can include mowing or cutting back plants to encourage new growth, removing weeds, and adding compost or other amendments to the soil as needed.
Despite the work involved, the rewards of a meadow garden are well worth it. Not only do they provide a beautiful and natural landscape, but they also contribute to the health of our planet by supporting local biodiversity.
My 2022 Landscape Plan
So why not consider adding a meadow garden to your backyard or local community space? You'll be helping to create a healthier, more vibrant ecosystem for all to enjoy, but also let me let you in on something wild … some might say certifiable.
There are several programs to certify your home garden as a wildlife habitat. Perhaps the most well-known is the National Wildlife Federation’s Certified Wildlife Habitat program. My yard is certified through them. However, many states also have their own programs as well. Here In West Virginia, we have the West Virginia Wild Yards program. A few months ago, I talked with Jim Fregonara from the WVDNR about the program.
Dig Deeper
Jim Fregonara Interview
2021 Meadow Garden Planning
Music by: Liborio Conti