Bob’s Blog

Shocking History
Fall is just around the corner. Pretty soon you’ll start to see fall displays of pumpkins, mums, and corn shocks. Today corn shocks are used as a decoration, but a little over a century ago they still served a very real purpose.

How To Harvest Potatoes
To harvest potatoes, you’ll need a shovel or a spading fork. If you’re harvesting for supper, drive your fork into the soil at the outside edges of the plant. Carefully lift the plant and remove the potatoes you need. Set the plant back in place and water thoroughly.

Direct Seeding
Unless you live in an area where summers are really short, you're better off sowing some types of vegetables directly in a garden.

The Florida Weave
The Florida Weave. Is it the latest dance craze sweeping Miami? Umm no. It is a surprisingly simple way to tie up tomatoes.

Bob's Behind-The-Scenes
During my 40 minute drive to Bob’s HQ each morning, I like to listen to podcasts. Among my favorite podcasts is Freakonomics Radio. Last week host Stephen Dubner explored the complexity of making something as simple as a pencil. The episode featured a famous economics essay, “I, Pencil: My Family Tree” by Leonard E. Read. When you visit one of our markets, you are only seeing a small part of a huge supply chain. Let’s take a look at how a plant grown from seed gets to one of our markets. Since spring is just around the corner, let’s take a look at growing pansies.