Bob’s Blog

Indoor Succulent Care Tips
Houseplants are seeing a resurgence in popularity right now, and succulents are a huge part of that trend. Succulents are any plant with thick, fleshy leaves and stems instead of a particular family or genus.

What is Bean Rust?
Rust is a common disease that affects many plants. Bean rust is caused by Uromyces phaseoli typica, and it affects common dry and snap, lima, and scarlet runner beans.

Preventing Blossom End Rot
Blossom-end rot is a serious disorder of tomato, pepper, and eggplant. Growers often are distressed to notice that a dry sunken decay has developed on the blossom end (opposite the stem) of many fruit, especially the first fruit of the season. This nonparasitic disorder can be very damaging, with losses of 50% or more in some years.
Petunia Care
Petunias are simple yet beautiful flowers that make a great addition to any garden, balcony, porch, or yard. They are also quite simple to grow and care for. Still, if you buy plants and go through the trouble to grow them, you want them to stay healthy – even if they are fairly simple and straightforward. This is why petunia care is important for you and your petunias.