Bob’s Blog
Pressing Plant Specimens
Have you ever studied a leaf or flower closely? They are beautiful! The patterns formed by their veins, their unique outlines, and their radiant color in autumn make them something worth collecting. Collecting and pressing plant specimens is a hobby many people enjoy.

What are Invasive Species?
On Monday Bea Corra from Parkersburg shared a picture of a plant on our Facebook page wanting to know what type of plant it was and whether it was invasive or harmful. I instantly had a flashback to August 2005 when I was studying Plant Taxonomy at Marshall University. The plant (right) is Japanese Knotweed, an invasive species. I also remember Dr. Evans’s advice for getting rid of it … “sell your house”. This week, we’re going to take a look at what makes a plant invasive and some of the most common in our region.