Peace Lily Care

Peace lilies are a very common houseplant because they are so easy to grow.  Belonging to the genus Spathiphyllum, there are a number of species grown as houseplants.  Botanically speaking, they have some very interesting characteristics.

Perhaps the most unique feature of spathiphyllum is its flower structure.  A peace lilies bloom consists of a spadix surrounded by a spathe.  A spadix is a type of flower made up of many small flowers on a fleshy stem, and a spathe, for which the name of the genus is derived, is a large bract (a modified leaf) that forms a sheath around the spadix.  On peace lilies, the spathe is commonly white, but some species can range in color from green to red.

Light (or lack thereof)

Peace lilies love shade and indirect light.  A spot 5-7 feet from a south or west-facing window is best.  They make a great choice for foliage in areas where other plants won’t do so well.  They can even thrive in offices under nothing but fluorescent lighting all Milton Waddams style.



Peace lilies prefer temperatures between 65 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit.  Protect your plant from drafts or rapid temperature changes.  Avoid placing them near outside doors during the winter months.


Peace lilies like to be watered a lot at once, but like to dry out afterwards.  This plant will talk to you, drooping a bit when it needs a drink.  You can use this feedback to set up a schedule, watering just before it starts to droop.  Another tip is to use a mister bottle to periodically mist the leaves.


Root rot can be an issue with peace lilies, so it is very important to let your peace lily dry out after watering.  Likewise you want to use a pot and potting mix that promotes good drainage.


Do you need to water your peace lily more often?  Are its roots showing (naughty thing!)?  These are a good sign that it needs to be transplanted to a larger home.  Generally, peace lilies will max out at a 10 inch diameter pot.


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ZZ Plant