Cultivate16: Follow Along

John Morgan, Bob's IT Dude

John Morgan, Bob's IT Dude

This weekend representatives from Bob’s Market will once again be heading to Columbus, OH to the annual Cultivate conference and trade show.  It is one of our industry’s largest trade shows, attracting over 10,000 visitors from all over the world.  At the show we meet up with suppliers, customers, and learn about the latest trends and technology in our industry.

This year follow along with our own John Morgan as he does daily blog posts about the conference and trade show.  This year you can follow updates on our blog, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and more.  We’re also excited to bring you live video straight from the show too via Bob’s LIVE!

To get things started, below is the Twitter feed for the #Cultivate16 hashtag.


Cultivate16: Sunday, July 10


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