Christmas Wreath and Greenery Care Tips

Greenery, like cut flowers, is easy to care for.  Since greenery is cut from live plants, that means there is a definite freshness window.  Here are some tips that will help you prolong the beauty of your Christmas wreath, garland, of boughs.

When you purchase greenery make sure you buy the freshest possible.  If you are not going to use your greenery immediately, store it in a cool, damp place.  They actually do quite well stored outside in a shady place, on the ground.  On extremely wet days (like the last few) move them to protected area like a garage.

If you are planning on using your greenery outdoors, cool temperatures will actually help preserve them.  You also want to avoid placing greenery in direct sunlight.  A north-facing location will work best.  Greenery exposed to full sun can dry and discolor in a matter of days.


Indoors caring for greenery is a bit more challenging to maintain.  Dry air from electric heating systems can dry out greenery quickly.  Point vents away from your greenery of close vents to limit airflow.  Misting your greenery with a spray bottle will help, and keeping the house cooler will make a difference.  Also, as with greenery outside, avoid areas with direct sunlight.

Fresh greenery branches or tips used in Christmas arrangements should be treated like any cut flower.  Being woody, they need a fresh cut 1 to 2 inches above the original cut.  Pound 1 to 3 inches up the stem with a hammer to help the stem take up more water; the crushed stem will act like a sponge.

Nothing puts me in the Christmas spirit quite like the smell of fresh cut pine.  For me it brings back fond childhood memories of bring the tree home, decorating it, and waking up Christmas morning.  Follow these tips to help keep your greenery merry and bright!


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