Mother's Day Photo Contest

100_2185Mother's Day is coming up, and we thought it would be great to highlight some of the greatest moms around.     YOURS!

This Mother's Day take a photo with your mom (or with your child / children if you are a mom) at any of our Bob's Market locations and upload it to our Facebook page.  We will then pick a winner at random from among the photos uploaded.  Everyone's mom is perfect so it would be impossible for us to judge the photos!  The randomly selected winner will receive a gift bag full of gardening goodies!  The contest starts today (April 30th) and will end Wednesday, May 16th.  The winner will be revealed on our live Ustream show on Friday, May 18th at 4PM.

Contest Rules

  1. Photos must be taken at a Bob's Market location.
  2. Photos must be taken between April 30, 2012 and May 16, 2012.
  3. Your photo needs to feature you and your mom (or you and your children if you are a mom).  Feel free to have one our sales associates help snap the photo.
  4. Upload your photo to our Facebook page at
  5. Bob's Market mothers are not eligible for prizes.  Sorry.  However, feel free to get a photo with your mom as long as she isn't an employee.
  6. I will contact the person who uploaded the winning photo via Facebook messaging to make arrangements to deliver the prize to your mother (or you if you're the lucky mamma).
  7. Please upload only G-Rated photos that are also in accordance with Facebook's terms of use.  They are photos of your mom after all.  I'm surprised I need to even include this, but you know this crazy world we live in.
  8. All photos uploaded become the property of Bob's Market and Greenhouses, Inc. and may be download, reposted, reprinted, etc. by Bob's IT monkeys.

I think that covers just about everything.

Happy Mother's Day!

Dianthus Care


Creeping Phlox