Uncle Jim's Almanac: Who is Uncle Jim?

    From time to time I get asked by readers of our e-newsletter why the almanac section is called "Uncle Jim's Almanac".  Each section of the e-newsletter is named after someone near and dear to the Bob's Market family.  The almanac is named for Corena's brother Jim.  Jim is a true gardening master.  It is not uncommon to find him strolling through the greenhouses here in Mason or stopping by the office to drop off freshly grown greens or to show off a project in full bloom.

Here is a great bit of wisdom Jim shared with me just the other day:

A Garden for All Seasons

First, plant four rows of peas...
Presence, Promptness, Preparation, and Perseverance.

Second, plant four rows of squash...
Squash gossip, Squash indifference, Squash neglect, and Squash criticism.

Third, plant four rows of lettuce...
Lettuce obey, Lettuce be true, Lettuce be faithful, and Lettuce love one another.

Fourth, Don't forget the turnips...
Turnip for every meeting, Turnip with a smile, Turnip with new ideas, and Turnip with determination.

$5 Indoor Garden


EVENT: 2012 Spring Color Tour