Bob's Market to Help with Arts-in-Education Grant for NHES

by Hope Roush, Point Pleasant Register

NEW HAVEN –— Our Community's Foundation, the Parkersburg Area Community Foundation and Regional Affiliates of Mason, Doddridge, Jackson, Little Kanawha Area and Ritchie Counties, has approved $55,000 in Arts-in-Education Grants to support 12 area schools’ projects.

In Mason County, New Haven Elementary School was the recipient of a $4,800 Arts-in-Education award for a project entitled “Budding Artists.” With this grant, the school’s students will work with community partners, The Gallery at 409 and Bob’s Market and Greenhouses, to build an outdoor learning space.

“We are excited about using this grant to create an outdoor learning environment where students can continually view the artistry of landscaping and learn about the science of plants,” Kira Northup, project leader and New Haven Elementary School Title 1 teacher, said. “An artist from Gallery at 409 will work with our fifth grade students to create paintings on river rocks to be used as a border of the outdoor classroom. A representative from Bob’s Market and Greenhouses will work with our science students to teach them about the different types of plants. Students will also participate in a tour of the greenhouse facility to learn the process of planting seedlings and plant growth.”

Read more: Point Pleasant (WV) Register - New Haven Elementary receives Arts in Education Grant

Planting Trees and Shrubs


The Survivor Tree