2017 Gardening Resolutions

2017 is here, and as I reflect back on this previous year’s gardening successes and failures, there are some goals I would like to set.  I had plenty of success this year like growing some of the best cabbages I’ve ever tasted (definitely planting more next year), and I had a great crop of potatoes.  (We actually ate the last of them a few weeks ago.  Not bad for a crop harvested at the beginning of July!)  I also had my share of gardening mishaps this year.  I almost lost that same crop of potatoes to and infestation of Colorado Potato Beetles, my Florida weave broke due to buying cheap twine (not from Bob’s), and my corn got flattened by a storm and didn’t recover.  Here are my gardening resolutions.

Plan better

“Plan your work and work your plan.”  I had a teacher that used to say this.  Last year I made a plan, a good plan … but then I didn’t follow it.  Part of my problem was that the layout I had planned for my garden didn’t take into account planting times, crop times for replanting late crops, and what to do if a crop failed (or was eaten by rabbits).  And that’s just my garden!

In my landscape, I made other errors.  Perhaps the biggest came down to my plant selections.  This past year my wife and I bought a new, brick house.  When I picked our plants this spring I decided to go with the beautiful, new campfire coleus paired with red impatiens.  The only problem was that the rusty leaves of the coleus disappeared against the brick.  I effectively camouflaged my flowerbeds!  This year I’ll have to try something with a bit more contrast.

Enjoy more homegrown food

Nothing nourishes the body and soul like delicious and healthful food you grew yourself. Whether you add a new raised bed to grow vegetables or tuck a few herbs and salad greens among your flowers, I resolve to enjoy a bigger backyard harvest this year.


Grow more plants from seed

Few things in life are as rewarding as planting a seed and watching the miracle of new life unfolding. There are lots of practical reasons to start plants from seed — saving money, having more varieties to choose from — but the intangible rewards are just as important.  I plan to grow more from seed.

Compost more

One of the first things I did when we moved into our new home was set up a compost bin.  This year I had a good batch of compost.  Hopefully it’s out in the back yard cooking away right now.  This year I want to find more ways to optimize my compost production.  It’s garden gold!

Welcome wildlife

My wife loves birds.  She wants to bring them inside so they can be her “widdle fwiends”.  This year I plan to not only put up a bird feeder, but also plant bird-friendly plants to help feed and shelter them.  I also want to add more pollinator-friendly plants.


Gardeners sometimes forget to enjoy the fruits of their labors, myself included.  It’s easy to find more to do to make your landscape a little bit better, but it is easy to do too much.  That deadheading can wait until tomorrow.  It’s nice to set back occasionally and enjoy your landscape. 

These are my gardening resolutions for 2017.  Now I would like to know yours.  Comment below with your resolution!

Happy New Year,

John Morgan

Newsletter Editor


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