March 2025
March Weekly Garden Tasks
Week 10
March 3rd to March 9th
Wednesday, March 5th – Ash Wednesday
Sunday, March 9th – Daylight Saving Time Begins
Order Rhubarb Crowns and Specialty Seed Potatoes.
Seed (indoors as transplants): Globe Artichokes, Shallots, Chives, and Leeks
Plant Shallots, Broadleaf Evergreens, and Onion Sets.
Take Cuttings from Herbs.
Remove dead leaves from overwintered Strawberries.
Turn Compost.
Week 11
March 10th to March 16th
Seed (indoors as transplants): Leaf Lettuce, Spinach, Tomatoes, Peppers, and Swiss Chard.
Seed (outdoors): Peas, Radishes, Spinach, and Leeks.
Divide old Rhubarb Plantings.
Plant Non-Flowering Trees and Shrubs.
Week 12
March 17th to March 23rd
Monday, March 17th – St. Patrick’s Day 🍀
Thursday, March 20th – Vernal Equinox (First Day of Spring!)
Seed (indoors as transplants): Celery and Eggplant.
Seed (outdoors): Parsnips, Salsify, and Celeriac.
Transplant: Head Lettuce, Asparagus, Strawberry Plants, Figs.
Plant Roses.
Fertilize Spring-Flowering Bulbs.
Week 13
March 24th to March 30th
Seed (indoors): Lavender and Celery.
Seed (outdoors): Rosemary.
Plant Table Grapes and Horseradish
Fertilize Asparagus and Rhubarb Beds.
Begin Dogwood Anthracnose Control.